: Paintball section: Info: Tactics
Some key elements of playing paintball wheather it is indoor or outdoor are:
  • SPEED - if you move fast your opponent has to work harder on trying to get you(this gets harder nowdays with everyone packing electronic markers), when you stay into one place sooner or later someone will hit you.
  • STEALTH - this is a big one, and relates to speed, if your opponent doesn't know where you are then he will not hit you, move from bunker to bunker or from one location on the field to another without making unnecessary commotion, hide well, don't shake the bunker cause that gives out your position, don't peek out 10 times from your hiding spot, don't test fire because the noise and vapour cloud from the maker will give you away, shoot when you are sure of the target unless you are laying cover fire. Wear cammon or woods colored clotched for woods ball and dress up in your jersey at a speed ball field, there is nothing more funny to see a guy in bright red jersey running in the woods, forget about painting a bull's eye on him, he is a bull's eye. No cammo will not make you invisible, but it does help not to be seen from 500m away. <more on camo and use of stealth>
  • CONSERVE THE AMMO - its always nice to pull the trigger, but if you pulled it few times and none of the balls ever reached the guy you were aiming for stop right there, you are wasting ammo and giving out your position and when the guy hears you popping new tube to reload he will make the dash and light you up, relaod when you know you are in no danger or ask someone to cover you during reloading, unless laying cover fire if the first 5 balls didn't reach the guy what makes you think another 100 will?
  • Here is an actually quite usefull airsoft tactics guide provided by a boy scout named Daniel - thanks! - this can be applied to playing paintball, you will need better coordintaion and training but the payoff should be big - Airsoft Tactics
  • KNOW THE RANGE OF THE MARKERS - first if the player you are trying to get shoots at you and none of the balls reach you then most likely none of your will reach him either, but fire one just to make sure, then you know you can run to different location (maybe better positioned or allowing you to get closer) beacuse he can't hit you at this distance. Also get to know the range of your marker, if you know that your marker shoots effectively at 50 meters and you see a target at 100m don't shoot, you will just give yourself away and waste ammo.
  • KNOW YOUR LIMITS - if you are 5'9 and weigh 220lb don't try charging at the enemy, you will get shot sooner than later, if you are skinny and fast moving don't play defence cause you are wasting your teams time and not having fun.
  • FIND YOUR POSITIONS - like in sex in paintball there is always one position that gets you the best score (get it? hehehe) find yours, try being the front lines guy, try being the defense guy, try playing safe, try playing aggresively with rapid advance, try team play, not all people are team players, then find one you are good at and play it most because that's where the fun and fame is.
  • SURVEY THE FIELD - You know when you have to decide which team walks the field? The team that walks all across just got a huge advantage, because they just got a fresh look at the field and good players already mark locations in their minds. Where to ambush someone, where to hide, what's a good sniper spot, which to run with most cover. Survey the field before you start. Less chanes of you getting lit up by a player hiding behind a lone bunker or popping out from a ditch concealed by trees.
  • USE THE FIELD - If this is not the first time playing this field/area/forrest use it to your advantage. There always not so obvious paths leading to an area, concealed corridors, hard to see trails, hard to aim at bunkers. You been there you know what works, and you know when you got hit and where so that area didn't work, use it! For example while playing at FragFactory there is a pitch black corridor wich has a small 2.5 feet by 4 feet entrance from a room next to the main corridor, while in the pitch black corridor noone can really see you but you can launch a surprise attack from that position at opponets in 3 separate rooms, now, those who don't know that are likely to get lit up by me if they happen to be in those rooms.


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